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Campionato Italiano CO Long - WRE - Coppa Italia 5^ prova (11495)
Click on "Register for this competition" to make entry for yourself and/or your club.
Competition info:
Competition name:Campionato Italiano CO Long - WRE - Coppa Italia 5^ prova
Start date:11.09.2022
End date:11.09.2022
Entry dates:
Organizer:Polisportiva Besanese
Location (city, area, ...):Trevigno (SO)
Competition website:https://www.orienteeringbesanese.it
Number of stages:1
Electronic punching:SportIdent
Use our online entries system:Yes
Classes:M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M35, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60, M65, M70, M75, ME, MB, W12, W14, W16, W18, W20, W35, W40, W45, W50, W55, W60, W65, W70, W75, WE, WB, Esordienti, Direct, M10, W10, MA, WA, MC, WC
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This competition has finished.